WOW it’s 2020! A Leap Year!
I am very excited to become a part of Levin Rinke Realty! What does changing real estate companies actually mean for a real estate agent and for her customers? It depends! Don’t you love that answer!

It depends on what was and what will be….. I am moving to a company that places their agents and customers first through education and marketing! How is that important? By providing high quality, top-end education to their agents, Levin Rinke Realty is delivering professional and knowledgeable agents to the real estate public! Through their extensive marketing, they are providing not only their agents an opportunity to be well-known in our Pensacola community but to give to their customers the exposure so important in selling their properties.
Yes, I am excited to start the New Year off with all the great tools…. isn’t change always a challenge to be met? I love it!